Will renewables measure up?
The reality of renewables such as wind turbines and solar panels are this; they only generate energy when the sun is shining and the wind is blowing. And the most complex part of the equation? The grid. With the rise in renewables and an effort to remove our reliable, more affordable, and traditional energy sources on a strict timeline, an adequate stream of energy could be hard to come by. Why? Because renewables simply cannot keep up. The goals set in places by government officials are threating the reliability of the grid and relying on technology that we do not have available to us yet. As carbon sources of energy are taken of the grid in order to meet mandates Jim Matheson testified to the senate that “such policies would have significant impacts on the reliability and security of the electric grid and could have an undue economic impact on co-op consumer-members, particular as additional costs must be incurred for replacement generation.”
Read more about Jim Matheson testimony to Senate about energy security here: Jim Matheson Testimony to Senate