MAP KEY: Three wind developers are leasing ground in Tazewell County - EDP, Invenergy and ZEP

EDP: White turbines are existing Railsplitter I. Blue Turbines are proposed GPS coordinates from EDP to FAA. *They are subject to change but give a good representation of the target location. EDP owns the turbines south of Hopedale, known as Railsplitter I.

Invenergy: Red outlined area is based on land leased to the Invenergy. Land is scattered and not connected. This is how every process starts. A developer will try and get as many landowners to sign up as possible without sharing details related to the project. Once they have what they need, they will kick out the parcels they do not intend to use. The wind companies retain their right to remove anyone from a project, but the land owner is locked in for the duration of the contract (usually 5+ decades).

ZEP: Yellow outline area based on map shared with landowners. Land with proposed turbines marked are not signed up, but are targeted parcels. This was misleading to many landowners who believed that their neighbors had signed up when the truth was they had NOT.