Get the FULL scoop - A letter to all Tazewell County citizens

Dear neighbors,

The United Citizens of Tazewell County (UCTCIL) is a growing volunteer group of Tazewell County citizens whose goal is to protect our prime farmland and neighbors for future generations regarding wind development. We are working toward a solution that protects the quality of life we all know and love. UCTCIL is writing to inform you of what has been happening in Tazewell County regarding wind turbines. There are currently three wind developers working in Tazewell County: EDP, Invenergy, and ZEP. They are diligently working in the areas of Hopedale, Mackinaw, Minier, Tremont, Armington, and Delavan to have landowners lease their land to developers for industrial wind projects. We were initially approached by the wind companies over a year ago. They moved quickly throughout our area. One member of our group asked the wind company for a public meeting to learn more about the wind company’s plans, which was never granted. We felt the wind company was unethical. We knew further action needed to be taken quickly. "NO WIND TURBINE" signs were created to let our neighbors know we did not sign a wind contract as the salesperson led them to believe. When we initially approached the Tazewell County Board about the current wind ordinance, we were told they were interested in updating the decommissioning plan, but nothing more at that time.

The current Tazewell County wind ordinance is woefully inadequate. We knew that Tazewell County would be forever and radically changed if we did not act quickly. We hired Mr. Phil Luetkehans, who is one of two attorneys in the state of Illinois who specializes in county law; to protect our prime farmland and county by writing an updated text amendment to our current wind ordinance. UCTCIL chose several Illinois county ordinances and drafted our proposed ordinance with the guidance of Mr. Luetkehans from parameters already in place in Illinois. Every part of UCTCIL’s ordinance was written with the betterment of Tazewell County citizens in mind. UCTCIL and hundreds of members of the community feel that every aspect of our amendment is important. The United Citizens of Tazewell County have provided a great service to Tazewell County by submitting this text amendment at no cost to the county or taxpayers. A huge area of concern for UCTCIL is the decommissioning of these unrecyclable towers when they are no longer functioning. In Minnesota in 2019, the average cost of decommissioning these turbines was $532,000.00 per turbine. We feel that Mr. Luetkehans has provided an invaluable service to Tazewell County citizens by protecting county taxpayers from having to fund the massive cost of decommissioning these towers in the event that the wind companies go bankrupt. MANY wind companies have gone bankrupt. In fact, they would not be viable companies at all without the massive government subsidies that they are given to operate.

UCTCIL as a group is not against green energy; we are against unregulated and irresponsible development. We are proponents of responsible renewable energy; but these huge industrial projects have little to no regulations. Wind turbines cause noise; shadow flicker; internet, TV, cell service, and life flight support interference; just to name a few problems associated with them. We feel that our county ordinance should protect the citizens of Tazewell County because the wind contract does not. The wind contract itself is in favor of the wind companies, NOT the landowner. UCTCIL asked several attorneys to look over the wind contract. They all found problems associated with signing the current contract. One of the concerns is that the wind developer is allowed to cancel the contract at any point in that time period; while the landowner is locked into the contract for the duration (which could be up to 57 years). This includes the landowner's heirs or subsequent owners. One of the reasons that UCTCIL was formed was due to their concern about the contract and to inform their neighbors about the pitfalls associated with signing this type of contract. UCTCIL is strongly against the current wind energy contract. One attorney, Clay Moushon, red-lined many items in the contract that he felt were problematic.

We strongly urge you to read Mr. Moushon's comments before considering signing a wind contract. This includes not only for turbines, but for transmission lines or good neighbor agreements as well. The contract will still be in effect after our death.

One wind company's safety manual says that an employee should not be within 1 km (3,280 feet) of a wind turbine during an electrical storm. The current Tazewell County ordinance has a setback of 750 feet from the property line of a dwelling. As Mr. Luetkehans pointed out to the board, that's ridiculous. A massive 600-foot tower should not be within 750 feet of someone's home. The St. Louis Arch is 630 feet tall for a point of reference. Wind turbines are prone to lightning strikes. There is a 2-minute video of a wind turbine being struck by lightning. The turbine catches on fire and spins wildly out of control. UCTCIL is asking the Tazewell County Board for a setback of 6 times the height of the turbine for obvious safety reasons.

The Tazewell County Zoning Board of Appeals granted the United Citizens of Tazewell County a special public hearing on June 8, June 9; and June 15. All three meetings were held at the Tazewell County Justice Center in Pekin, Illinois and each lasted 4 hours. Two of the three wind companies were present at every hearing. The wind developers have been fighting us at every turn including hiring an attorney and "expert witnesses" to refute what we are asking the county board to do. Mr. Leutkehans presented our proposed text amendment to the current wind ordinance as well as submitting a large amount of supporting information. Mr. Luetkehans also presented our request for a moratorium (six month pause in WECS development in order to review the information presented regarding WECS). The Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) did not take the time to discuss the specifics of our text amendment. The ZBA voted to decline UCTCIL’s text amendment as written and moved it to the Land Use committee who tabled the discussion. It is still tabled as of this writing. The Tazewell County Board voted to grant a moratorium up to six months on Wednesday, July 27 at the Tazewell County Justice Center.

We have continually provided a strong presence at not only the County Board meetings, but the Land Use Committee and Zoning Board meetings as well. We are committed to fighting for the rights and protections of all Tazewell County citizens regarding Wind Energy Conversion Systems. Currently, conversations about WECS among Tazewell County Board members have been tabled in the Land Use committee while the Tazewell County Director of Community Development is working on drafting a text amendment to the current Tazewell County wind ordinance for Tazewell County. She said that her office is working with an outside entity. Mr. Mike Harris (Tazewell County Board Vice Chairman) spoke at our status update meeting on 9/15/22 and said that the board members don’t know at this point what is going on with our proposed text amendment or the ordinance that the Tazewell County Community Development staff is working on drafting. Mike also said that the board members are going to visit industrial wind turbines near Lexington, IL. Furthermore, he informed us that the wind companies continue to reach out personally to each board member. He stressed the importance of Tazewell County citizens also reaching out to board members to express your concerns. He will be counting how many calls he receives on both sides!

We will continue to research what is happening regarding WECS at the county level, state level, and national level. We will continue to talk to board members about accepting our proposed wind ordinance in its entirety. We will continue attending Tazewell County Board meetings, Land Use committee meetings, and ZBA meetings. All meetings are open to the public. The public is also given an opportunity to make public comment at every Land Use and board meeting. Feel free to join us and share your observations as well. Each citizen can speak up to 5 minutes. UCTCIL is asking for a “call to action” from our neighbors. We are asking you to please contact our Tazewell County Board members and express your desire for them to vote in favor of accepting UCTCIL’s proposed text amendment in its entirety. Please emphasize to the board members that the setbacks from property lines are the single most important issue. You can find the board’s contact information on our website: . Many of the problems associated with WECS can be alleviated if the setbacks from property lines are 6 times the turbine height. We are also asking for ALDS, which is technology that detects when planes are near and only then do the red lights flash. The best way for citizens to be involved is by attending board meetings and contacting board members. Together, as a community, we are much stronger, and our voices will be heard.

The ZBA will likely have another public hearing in November or January. If so, we will need a large show of support from our Tazewell County neighbors who are in favor of the board accepting our proposed text amendment in its entirety. We will inform you of that date as soon as we are aware if another hearing is scheduled. Mr. Leutkehans (our attorney) said this is the best way we can show the board how important this text amendment is to the community. At the initial hearing, the Justice Center meeting room was packed, the lobby of the Justice Center was packed, and the lawn in front of the Justice Center was packed. This was an incredible show of support from our neighbors (which truly impressed the board) and we can’t thank you enough!

If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to ask a UCTCIL member. If you would like a copy of a red line text amendment, a red line contract, a video, to donate, etc., you can find this information and more throughout our website.

You can also find us on Facebook and sign up to receive a monthly newsletter which is intended to keep you up to date on what is happening in Tazewell County regarding wind turbines.

Central Illinois has been blessed with some of the most fertile land in the world. Illinois is the number one soybean producing and the number two corn producing state in the United States. We feed the world through the grace of God. Are we being good stewards of this gift if we allow too much prime farmland to be used for industrial wind?


United Citizens of Tazewell County


What Purpose?


What do we have to lose?