Current Event: Wind energy company kills 150 eagles in US, pleads guilty
Have you ever spotted a Bald Eagle in Tazewell County? Bald Eagles are native to Illinois and particularly around Tazewell county, making this article an interesting read on what impacts more turbines could have on a once endangered species. Bald eagles were removed from the Endangered Species Act in 2007. While conversing with some of the Tazewell county residents of UCTC many talked about how they remembered a time in our county’s history where it was uncommon to ever see a bald eagle roaming around in their natural habitat. Now our younger generations are once again getting to share our countryside with the species who have been observed around the area in fields, ponds, lakes, wooded areas and even some yards of residents living in rural areas of our county. We are privileged to once again have such a national wildlife legacy living right here with us in central Illinois. The time is now to be concerned for our wildlife or let history repeat itself.
Read full story here: Wind energy company kills 150 eagles in US, pleads guilty